Our Community Values

In pursuit of world-class research and education, the Department of Chemistry at MIT commits to building a community that enables everyone to thrive. Our shared success depends on each member of our Department embodying the values of Respect, Well-Being, Inclusivity, and Integrity. Together, we reaffirm our excellence by upholding these values.

Respect: We treat others with dignity.

Well-being: We support the health and safety of ourselves and others at all times.

Inclusivity: We speak and act in ways that welcome all.

Integrity: We are honest about our own actions and those of others.

Our Goal

We continually strive to create an environment that reflects our values of respect, well-being, inclusivity, and integrity for all members of the MIT community.

Development and Implementation

Developing this Statement of Community Values was an extensive community effort, incorporating extensive contributions from students, postdocs, faculty, and staff. As part of our commitment to these values, we are implementing a number of new values-based Initiatives that we believe will help to improve our Department, MIT, and the field of chemistry as a whole.


We acknowledge contributions from participants in Women+ in Chemistry (WIC+), the Quality of Life Committee, Town Hall Discussions, Faculty Discussions, and the Statement of Community Values Working Group. Aspects of our Statement of Community Values take inspiration from the MIT Physics Community Values.

Download a PDF of the full Statement of Community Values here.

Download an 8×10 Statement of Community Values poster here.