Tutoring is available for many chemistry classes. To be eligible for tutoring services, a student must meet the following requirements:
- attend lectures and recitations regularly
- submit problem sets
- attend office hours
If you are interested in becoming a tutor, please apply here (undergraduate students) or here (graduate students).
Information regarding tutoring in other Departments can be found here.
To receive tutoring services:
- Complete an online Tutor Request Form by selecting the appropriate class link, below.
- Discuss any areas of difficulty you are having with your TA (suggested).
There is no fee for this service. Tutors are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis throughout the semester. Please fill out and submit the form corresponding to your class number (below) to request tutoring services. Priority will be given to students with a ‘C’ average or below, but we are generally able to accommodate all requests. We are typically able to assign a tutor within 1-2 business days.
Tutor Request Forms
Fall Term
Spring Term